Sunday, May 23, 2010

Tenley Mae

Here is our new little precious baby girl. After being nameless for a few days we decided on Tenley Mae. I think it fits her perfectly. She is such a sweetheart and we are so happy she is part of our family.

*Pics taken by the amazing Judy Hailey*

So here is how it went down. I was scheduled for my c-section on may 18th. I felt really weird about knowing which day my baby was going to be born; although it was nice to be prepared. We got to the hospital at 10:15 and got checked into our room. The room was seriously like a hotel, so much better than last time in our itty bitty room. Two of my clients, who work at the hospital, greeted me and got us all settled in. One was actually my nurse and helped bring our baby into this world. I felt so much more comfortable knowing people there and knowing they were going to make this such a special experience. Then Jill, my nurse, got me all hooked up and ready to go. I started getting nervous knowing within an hour or so I would meet this baby and find out what had been living inside me. At about 12:30 I walked into the O.R. got my spinal and they started. At 1:10 p.m. our newest baby GIRL was born. I was totally excited and my gut feeling it was a girl was confirmed! It was amazing to hear her first cry. I was dying to see her. When i did I was in love. She is like a mini version of Teegan being a pound and a half smaller. Such a cutie and we are in love! Here are the pics
Our first picture together
Her weight

Daddy and his girl
Teegan did not like hearing her sis cry
Butterfly kisses
Her first accsessories

Being cute

Going home


Kristin said...


KRIS & TIFF said...

I can't wait to meet her and see all of you guys in a few months maybe weeks!!! I love you guys XOXO

Holli said...
