Sunday, August 30, 2009

Look who's walking

So a couple weeks ago Teegan started walking. It is so cute to watch her go all over the place. Definitely keeps us busy, but we love it! She has been learning so many new tricks. Out of no where she grabbed my cell phone and put it up to her ear and said "hello". It isn't exactly hello but she is trying, and oh my gosh it is so darn cute. Now everytime we say hello she puts her hand up to her ear. She also does part of the itsy bitsy spider motions. And when we ask her "do you love momma/daddy/grandma/grandpa etc.?" she nods her head yes. Just a few of her tricks.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monkey Girl

Seriously this girl is a little monkey. She is always climbing into little spaces and on top of things. I just love it but sometimes it gets scary. Like the other day I went to the bathroom real quick and when I came out she was standing in the seat of her stroller holding on to the handle. I was gone for like 30 seconds!!! Then I was sitting at my table doing a little sewing project and I had a slurpee; well I guess she thought she would get some. I look down at her and she is HANGING on the edge of the table. Well here is where I found her the other day.

I laugh every time I see this picture. She looks like a little karate master. Hope it gives you a laugh too!

Monday, August 3, 2009

10 months

I really can't believe that in two short months my baby will be a year old. It really goes way too fast. I am loving every second with her. A part of me just wants to have only one child cause I don't want to have to share my time with her, ha ha. I know that is rediculous and everyone says you will love the next just as much. I hope it is possible cause I love her a whole lot. She must get sick of how many times I kiss her and tell her all the wonderful things about her. She is learning new tricks everyday and is getting very close to walking. Jeremy and I play walking games with her and she has taken 6 steps. Grampa says he has a "sick" feeling she will be a gymnast. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter by the second. Love you so much baby girl!!!