Monday, August 3, 2009

10 months

I really can't believe that in two short months my baby will be a year old. It really goes way too fast. I am loving every second with her. A part of me just wants to have only one child cause I don't want to have to share my time with her, ha ha. I know that is rediculous and everyone says you will love the next just as much. I hope it is possible cause I love her a whole lot. She must get sick of how many times I kiss her and tell her all the wonderful things about her. She is learning new tricks everyday and is getting very close to walking. Jeremy and I play walking games with her and she has taken 6 steps. Grampa says he has a "sick" feeling she will be a gymnast. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter by the second. Love you so much baby girl!!!


The Lux Family said...

Those are seriously beautiful pics sissy! I just love that girl!!

KRIS & TIFF said...

I miss you guys so much already :( Teegan is so much fun Tais... I love her. I had so much fun with you all! Can't wait to see you in a couple of months!!