Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Tonya was supposed to make a blog, but that has not happened yet. I can't blame her though, they have been a bit busy. So I thiought I would give a little update on my favorite nephew. He had his hernia surgery last week and was a total stud. Everything went well and he is healing perfectly. He is growing like a weed and is almost as big as Teegan. The other day they faced the babies toward each other and Trent loved his cousin. I was not there to see it, but I guess he kept smiling at her and even let out the cutest sigh. He loves his momma and likes to stare at her and watch her every move. He loves to be on his feet and is very strong. He likes his binky on occasion but sometimes will gag when you give it to him. His hair is getting lighter so we think he may be a blondie like momma. His eyes are gorgeous and he has the prettiest eyelashes. Why is it always the boys that get the long curled eyelashes? Auntie is very jealous. He likes to go outside on walks and will almost always fall asleep. He is a good napper, which auntie is also jealous about;) He can roll over from belly to back. He has a precious voice. He is insanely adorable. Overall he is an absolute doll. We love our nephew Trent!!! I love that we had our babies together and I can't wait til they are running around playing together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a freakin' stud he is!!! I can't believe how big he has grown. Tatum was showing me the pictures of him and Teegan and he has already pased her up. I am so glad that he is doing good. And I am so proud of Tonya, she is such a great Mom.