Tuesday, February 3, 2009

4 months

Wow I can't believe my babygirl is 4 months old. Here are a few fun facts about my 1/3 year old.
- cutest thing ever
- she wants to grab everything
- she is very busy and needs entertainment 24/7
- her laugh is THE best sound in the whole world
- loves her glow worm
- likes Taylor Swift
- screams very loud when she needs to get my attention
- likes to suck on her fingers and thumb during the day but at night NEEDS her binky
- she NEVER sits still. even when she eats she is constantly moving, looking all over the place, and grabbing me.
- I am pretty sure her hair will be brown
- has pretty blue eyes
- her right eye has a little brown speck in it
- everybody thinks she looks just like her daddy
- loves to be standing up
- loves loves loves her bath
- grabs her feet when she is on her back
- can sit up on her own for a little while
- wants everything in her mouth
- is very interested in watching people eat(I cant wait to feed her real food)
- when you put her binky in she will hold your hand and not let go
- sometimes she can grab her binky and put it in her mouth by herself
- has the sweetest voice... I could listen to her babble for hours
- she lights up when we pick her up in the morning or from a nap
- perfect perfect perfect
I love her so much!!!! I am so excited to watch her grow and learn new tricks. Being a mom gives me way more happiness than I ever imagined. She is the light of our lives
and is loved more than she will ever know.I love you baby girl!!!!!

1 comment:

KRIS & TIFF said...

I knew you were going to be the best mommy ever. I am so happy for you guys and I can't wait to be a mom someday!! I love and miss you so much!!!