Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I guess I really cannot keep up with the picture of the day plan. Oh well, here is the "picture of the whenever I feel like uploading a picture" or POTWIFLUAP for short. This is one of our personal faves!

Well for a little extra credit...
Looks like someone got into the sunless tan! Taisia and I knew that are baby would be darker in color, but this is not exactly what we had planned!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Picture of the Day!

Does anyone need any cottage cheese???

Friday, December 12, 2008

Picture of the Day

I love this little girl!

Thursday, December 11, 2008


here is my little buddha baby


Yesterday we went to see santa with the lux's. It was our first outing with the six of us and we had a lot of fun. We went out to dinner and the babies were angels. Seriously, they did not make a peep. We even had time to sit around and talk after we finished eating. Then we made our way over to the mall, had a feeding sesh in the car;), and finally got the babes in their strollers. Tonya and I had been dreaming of the day we get go to the mall and push our babies around...so fun. Well we finally go see Santa and try to get some pictures. Teegan wanted nothing to do with him... oh well she still looks cute throwing a fit!!!

Here is calm little Trent and Teegan the Diva

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Date NIGHT!!

Taisia and I decided that we would go out on a date every eighth of the month; just the two of us! Boy it is a lot harder than in sounds! We missed Teegan so much! The whole time we were at Chili's (yeah, we are high rollers) the conversation never really swayed away from Teegan. But it was nice to go out and keep that flame burning, not that it will ever go out! We ended up running into some old friends and just stayed at Chili's the whole night. It was so much fun and I am looking forward to next month. No camera was present; which is very rare for me, so sorry... no pics! But as promised the picture of the day! Have Fun! Be Safe!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday DAD!

Yesterday was my dad's birthday and my dad and me went golfing down in San Diego. Eagle Crest golf course would be the course I would end my golfing hiatus. I went out there with high hopes, which quickly turned to sorrow; as I realized I was covered in rust! My dad played well... He actually kicked my ass, something I am not used to. But, it is his birthday so I guess I can take my medicine this on time.

After that we all had dinner at his house. The food was great and we had a lot of fun. The weird part about the evening was how amazing my brother was! He really has turned a new leaf! Cooking, cleaning, and just being so damn cool. I even started to ask him personal questions about me; just to make sure it really was my brother and not an alien!

Oh yeah, sorry about no POTD yesterday! I did not have access to any of my pictures until late! But I am gonna make it up with a video later this week!

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Lux showed me this picture, I loved it, and you will love it!!! Try not to be jealous! Little TRENT!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008


Well I have to keep to tradition and keep going with my picture of the day!
So here it is!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Getting in the spirit

Last weekend we had a gingerbread house making party. We all made one together and it turned out so cute. As you can see, we even got my Dad to help us with his home building skills. Thanks Dad... the roof turned out great!!! I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner. It is going to be so fun with our new ones this year.

The Newest Addition!!

Well he is finally here!! Born December 1st; 8lbs 1 ounce.
I give to you little Trent Scott Lux! He is a handsome man and Ryan and Tonya are very very happy! They are going to be great parents and we are going to have a blast raising these little poopers!

Little Trent is HERE!! from Jeremy Smith on Vimeo.

Let's not forget my favorite photo of the day!!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Baby Einstein

So the other day we started little Teegan on her path to success! We have been using the "Your Baby Can Read" learning course. Which is mosty a bunch of videos and flashcards. So we sit her in front of the first DVD which teaches her about 20 words; and she LOVES it! We cannot pull her attention off the screen. It also seems as if she "talks" much more often! So far I am very impressed and time will be the final judge! At least we are giving her every advantage technology can offer!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


I just wanted to show everyone my favorite photo for the day!

Friday, November 28, 2008

The Smith's First Thanksgiving!!!

ok here are pictures of our first thanksgiving. Jeremy had to wait til I got home to put them up because he knows I had to approve first!!! I am so thankful for my wonderful family. Seriously, they are the best... I am a lucky girl!

Post Thanks

Well I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I know mine was. Taisia, Teegan and I went up to Taisia's Oma and Opa's (G'ma and G'pa) house in Huntington Beach. It was a lot of fun and everyone loved little Teegie. I wan kind of dreading the whole day; only because of the drive. It seems as if the I-15 freeway gets worse every year! I swear, you know it is bad when you look forward to getting on the 91!! But the traffic really was not as bad as I was expecting. Taisia and I finally took some decent family pics and I will upload them later today. Right now it is just teegan and me! Mommy is doing hair; so I get my quality time with my baby! She has the hiccups right now and I feel so bad! She is helping me type this right now! AND she just POOPED so I gotta go!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

So the other day Jeremy, Teegan, My Mom, and I decided to have a "Teegan Photoshoot"! Well after a couple of wardrobe changes and some one hundred pictures; this is the outcome... Enjoy!!

We are bloggers!!!

So now that we have a new little princess I decided we should start a blog to update our family and friends. Especially with cousin Tiff and her hubby Kris in Korea and the rest of our family that doesn't get to see her on a daily basis. So basically we are obsessed with little Teegan and I am sure all posts will be about her. Luckily I have my little computer nerd husband to help me with it... he has already spent hours on making it just the way I want it;)