Monday, June 28, 2010

1 month

Of course this would come two weeks late right?... true Taisia style. Well baby Tenley is 1 month old and here is what she has been up to.
-she has been a pretty easy baby so far
-has very light blue eyes(for a baby)
-started giving us some smiles a few weeks ago.
-sleeps for a 4-6 hour stretch at night, then up about every 2 hours after
-just moved into size 1 diapers
-loves to be swaddled for sleep
-getting pretty nosy
-likes her tummy time
-just as cute as can be
We are loving our new addition. So is her big sis... Teegan asks for baby the second she gets up and gives her lots of kisses

1 comment:

KRIS & TIFF said...

Oh my... She is beautiful Taisia & Jeremy!! You guys really do make some perfect little babes. I can not wait to come home and meet her in a few weeks! Miss you all!!