Sunday, December 20, 2009

Baby Tighe

Today Tara, Tighe, and I went down to old town to take some pics of Tighe. He was the perfect model and just could not be any cuter. I mean REALLY... just look at his beautiful eyes and that hair! I just love him; and so does Teegan. She always wants to give him hugs and kisses. It is so cute. Here he is<



Anonymous said...

I am seriously dying over these! I love love love them. You are so talented Taisia, thank you so much. You are the best, love you!

Kristin said...

oh my gosh! these are sooooo stinking cute!

KRIS & TIFF said...

These pics are AWESOME!! Tighe is soooo adorable!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE all the beautiful babes!!