Wow I can't believe our tenley girl is already 10 months... actually about 10 and a half months. She is so much fun and just as sweet as ever. Here is what she is up to:
- weighs about 18 pounds.
- claps and sometimes I think she says "yayyy"
- Eats a ton. There really is nothing she won't eat.
- seriously goes through a thing of puffs every day.
- says uh oh, mama, dada
- signs more, all done, and shakes her head no, when we tell her to.
- walks with her little push toy that Jeremy FINALLY got out of storage. (yes, I blame you for that Jer)
-Sleeps great and has two decent naps.
-she is starting to get a little fiesty when big sis tries to steal her toys. She has quite the strong grip.
-has 5 teeth. two on bottom and three on top.
-loves to crawl up the stairs :( not very fun for me
-loves toys
-starting to really like TV
- She is just a little love. We love her to pieces.